
HIIT vs LISS: Which is Best?

HIIT vs LISS: Which is Best?

Cardio…ah cardio. You can’t live with it and you can’t live without it (arguably). Just kidding! It is definitely great to have some form of cardio involved in your training regimes, whether it’s HIIT or LISS. It is a great stress reliever and can be beneficial for improving overall cardiovascular health. However, things get slightly more complicated when it comes to using cardio for fat loss.

We all know that it’s essential to incorporate cardio into our routines in order to increase our energy deficit. The question is – which works better? HIIT or LISS? Let’s explore what we mean by these terms,  weigh up the value of HIIT vs LISS and evaluate the pros and cons.


Here’s where we find out what both of these terms mean before putting them both to the test to find out which is best! 

HIIT – High intensity interval training

High Intensity Interval Training uses a balance of work and recovery periods to achieve results. A common formula used within HIIT exercises is 2:1 for work to rest. For example, you may have 30-40 seconds of intense cardio activity followed by 15-20 seconds of jogging, walking or a break.  

A HIIT session can vary in duration – they usually last between 4 and 30 minutes. This makes it an excellent exercise option for those of you with time constraints. 

Pros of HIIT Exercises

  • Time efficient 
  • Higher heart rate for the short amount of time 
  • You don’t need much equipment- just use your own bodyweight 
  • Calorie loss continues after you stop working out 

Cons of HIIT Exercises

  • Can be too intense for some people 
  • Not for everyone 
  • There is a high impact on joints due to lots of running and jumping  

LISS – Low-intensity steady state

Low intensity steady state training requires the athlete to stay at around 60-70% of their max heart rate for around 20 minutes to an hour. This form of exercise relies on low-moderate intensity activity over an extended period of time. 

Pros of LISS Exercises

  • Slow tempo exercise 
  • Less impactful on joints, there isn’t much jumping, running and lifting like there is with HIIT 
  • Equipment isn’t necessary 
  • Requires the heart to work harder as you’re exercising for 20 mins – 60 mins 

Cons of LISS Exercises

  • Not time efficient 
  • Won’t help you build muscle 

As evidenced above, both HIIT and LISS exercises have varied pros and cons. Both have positive health benefits, so it’s important that you choose the type of exercise you enjoy.  

HIIT exercises aren’t for everyone. Just because someone on Instagram keeps uploading videos of themselves doing a HIIT circuit, doesn’t mean that’s a form of exercise that you will enjoy.  

Do what works for you and what you enjoy – there shouldn’t be a competition. Here at FORM, we recommend introducing both low intensity steady rate activity and high intensity interval training into your workout routine. This ensures variety, and reduces boredom. By doing this you’ll also be able to find out which you enjoy best – HITT vs LISS, and put these forms of exercise to the test.  

Check out the fantastic results from FORM clients who have incorporated both HIIT and LISS into their training plans.  

Find out more information about personal traininggroup personal training and other personal training packages here at FORM Manchester.  

If you have any questions about HIIT or LISS, please feel free to contact the team at FORM with your questions using info@formmcr.com 

Remember to check out our Instagram page for more inspiration on losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle.  

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