
Top tips for starting back at the gym

Top tips for starting back at the gym

Starting back at the gym is never an easy task. It can often be quite challenging to remember what to do at the gym and how to get back into the swing of things. Here’s how our expert personal trainers recommend starting back at the gym without the risk of burnout, losing motivation, or overdoing things.

Take it easy

When starting back at the gym, it is so important to take it easy. When you’ve had some time out from exercise and your usual fitness routine, it can take your body, both physically and mentally, some time to readjust. You may get back into the gym and think, “Oh, what do I even do at the gym?” and this is completely normal. 

Doing too much too soon can have disastrous effects on your body. You may experience burnout, which is extremely unpleasant, and you could even do yourself an injury. 

When starting back at the gym, you need to be honest with yourself and your fitness level – how much can you do realistically?

Plan your workouts

After a period of time away from exercising and your regular fitness regime, knowing what to do at the gym can suddenly seem like a huge challenge. A great way to slowly ease yourself into the gym is to plan your workouts. 

Now, when we say this, we don’t mean that you should start an intensive workout programme. Instead, we know from experience that when you’re starting back at the gym, you should go with a clear, but simple plan in your mind of what areas of the body you want to workout and how you plan on doing this. Our reasoning for this is that you are more likely to perform to a higher level if you have a fitness plan outlined.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

When you’re starting back at the gym, it is so easy to slip into a mindset where you’re comparing your performance to what you were like when you were training regularly. If you have taken a break from the gym, it is completely natural to see a decline in your strength, performance, and durability. 

When starting back at the gym, it is extremely important to stay positive and go easy on yourself. You don’t want to give yourself unrealistic expectations to work towards as you’ll just feel disappointed and potentially annoyed at yourself when you don’t hit those achievable goals.

Take advantage of the facilities and help available

Starting back at the gym can be daunting and can make you feel slightly overwhelmed. But if you need some guidance on what to do at the gym, talk to the personal trainers there. All gyms have staff on hand that can advise and provide you with some support on what to do in the gym and how to ease yourself back into it. 

Here at FORM Manchester, our expert personal trainers are fully trained to support you with this. Our PTs are on hand to assist you and provide you with all of the knowledge you need to get back into the gym. We offer Manchester yoga classes or even group PT sessions to help you ease yourself back in.

Find out more about joining our luxury gym and discover how our personal training services can provide you with all of the encouragement you need for starting back at the gym.

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